
Help us achieve excellence


In the world of engineered materials we believe there is much more to building a robust supply chain than simple technical excellence.

All our suppliers have been carefully researched, vetted and audited so we can be confident we have done our utmost to ensure they will be able to support what is so important to us – our commitment to our customer.

Of equal importance is the same to our suppliers.

We take care so enquiries are clear, purchase orders unambiguous and invoices settled promptly.

We realise we sometimes ask the unreasonable but only when our clients are under pressure themselves.

Our customers come to us and remain because of the innovative products and materials we offer together with outstanding levels of response, service and performance we consistently achieve. We ask no less of our suppliers to enable these levels to be maintained.

If you feel your Company can help us in our goals, we’d love to hear from you. 

"Excellence afforded"

Ultra high performance polymers – delivered globally