
Join us at Engineered Polymers


Engineered Polymers Limited was born from a requirement in industry for a higher level of performance than traditionally offered.

We recognise that a key part of achieving this performance is the people we employ, together with the environment they work in.

Many who join us have come from backgrounds where their potential was held back. Not by their capability or effort but by the restrictions placed upon them.

We don’t ask what you bring to us but what we can do together to fulfill your potential and help maintain our reputation for excellence.

The average person spends more than 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime – we believe that the workplace has as much to contribute to the quality of life as your health, your family and your home.

We want to offer you more than just a job with the salary which comes with that. We want to share a sense of belonging, building a better life, for you, your family and our business partners.

A career at Engineered Polymers Limited will be demanding but with that demand comes a sense of achievement which makes the efforts worthwhile.

We have high expectations. We only recruit the best.

Do you feel you have knowledge, experience or qualifications which match a work environment to achieve the best?

If you want to get on the path to fulfilling your potential, please contact us at [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you.

"Excellence afforded"

Ultra high performance polymers – delivered globally